We went down the lane, by the body of the man in black, sodden now from the overnight hail, and broke into the woods at the foot of the hill.
We went down the lane, by the body of the man in black, sodden now from the overnight hail, and broke into the woods at the foot of the hill.
We went down the lane, by the body of the man in black, sodden now from the overnight hail, and broke into the woods at the foot of the hill.
We went down the lane, by the body of the man in black, sodden now from the overnight hail, and broke into the woods at the foot of the hill.
How the adventure ended will be seen anon. Aouda was anxious, though she said nothing. As for Passepartout, he thought Mr. Fogg’s manoeuvre simply glorious.
During the first days, they went along smoothly enough. The sea was not very unpropitious, the wind seemed stationary in the north-east, the sails were hoisted.
Želim iskazati veliko zadovoljstvo i iskazati zahvalnost zajedničkom saradnjom sa agentima. Kada razgovarate sa njima, osjećaj je takav da razgovarate sa istinskim prijateljima. Sve pohvala za divnu saradnju.
Hvala vam velika za svu pomoć koju ste pružili kod prodaje stana. Zadovoljna sam jer je sve išlo besprijekorno glatko.
Već duže vrijeme sam prodavala stan i nisam imala konkretne rezultate. Saradnja sa agencijom On Time je rezultirala uspješnom prodajom. Hvala vam na divnoj saradnji.